Vivo V19 Review: Price, Specification

Vivo Company has launched its Vivo V 19 Smartphone in India on May 12, 2020, and the price of the phone is around 27,990, so before reviewing Vivo V 19, we will first see what is in its box. You will get these things if you op…

Microsoft word says it's wrong to use two spaces between word

Microsoft states that it's wrong to use two spaces between words. If the user has a two space between words, it will be marked blue squiggly lines. This will mark as error in Microsoft word. This change is first appe…

How to make a website audit in 30 minutes

30-second summary : When people are searching for something through the search engines, they’re always keeping their location in mind. 87% of consumers prefer interacting with businesses through reviews. According to G…

How to Fix Automatic Repair loop in Windows 10

Windows 10 are a very popular operating system, which is used in the whole world. Windows 10 sometimes contains an error that is difficult to solve.Windows are used by a billion peoples of the world and Windows 10 is used …

Top 5 Best Free Screen Recoder for Pc

Share X Share X is free and open-source software which available for Operating System of  Microsoft windows.It is Written in C# and developed by  Jaex and  Michael Delpach. it has majorly two feature one …

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