How to Fix Automatic Repair loop in Windows 10

Windows 10 are a very popular operating system, which is used in the whole world. Windows 10 sometimes contains an error that is difficult to solve.Windows are used by a billion peoples of the world and Windows 10 is used in different devices, which can cause viruses or Windows corruption which is very common.

Such error messages can come to you.
  1. Windows 10 automatic repair failed
  2. log file c /windows/system32/logfiles/srt/srttrail.txt Windows 10
  3. bootrec.exe /fixboot access is denied Windows 10
  4. Windows 10 automatic repair your pc did not start correctly

Method 1

This article will assist you to solve an error of Windows, which is a Windows automatic loop error.
First of all, if you get this error, then you will see two things Restart and Advance Options. All you have to do is to press on restart and if the error is solved don’t go to next step.If your error is not solved, then move on to the next step.If the error is not corrected by restarting it could be the error of Power failure, Abrupt shutdown, Sudden Hardware changes.
Click on Advanced Options, then click on Troubleshoot after clicking on Troubleshoot, then click on Advanced Options. And choosing the Startup Repair option in Advanced Options.Startup repair can fix your startup error of windows 10. If the error is unsolved then try the this method,
Regback Method: Use the RegBack to change your registry configuration to configuration of your last Successful boot up. Regback means Your last successful boot of windows.
Click on Advance option>Troubleshoot>Advanced option>Command Prompt
Write this in the command Prompt:
Cd\Windows\system 32\config
MD Backup
copy*.* Backup
CD Recback

Note:It is Important to have a valid number next to directories. If you have Zero directories then write exit it will fix this error.

Method 2 

Rebuild MBR or BCD: Correct the the MBR (Master Boot Record) and Boot Configuration Data if these two are missing or corrupted in any situation windows will not start and you can catch this error.

 To Correct (MBR) or (BCD) follow these steps.

1.Install the windows via the disc or Bootable Usb Drive. 

2. Start the computer by choosing Disc or Bootable USB by clicking F12 or F9.

3.At the windows setup panel click on the repair your Pc

4.Click on Troubleshoot>Advanced option>Command Prompt

5. Enter this Command in CMD.

bootrec /fixboot

bootrec /scanos

bootrec /fixmbr

bootrec /rebuildbcd


Then restart your pc.

Method 3

System Restore: Conduct the system restore if you have restored your pc before this error. To perform the System Restore Click on the Troubleshoot>Advanced option>System Restore. System Restore takes a while.
System restore can restore your pc a to normal.

Method 4

Disable the Startup Repair: To Disable the Startup Repair write this command to the command Prompt by following the above steps in the method 1.

Disable the Automatic Startup Repair:
bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled

Restart your pc the windows 10 will be accessible. 

To Enable the Automatic Startup Repair:
bcdedit /set {default} recoveryenabled

Method 5

Reset this Pc: Go to the Advanced option>Troubleshoot>Reset this Pc. This will erase all the your files of C: but not your personal files. Follow the process of Windows 10.

You try any method from above to solve your Windows 10 Automatic Repair Loop

Saquib Shaikh

Tech Enthusiast | SEO Expert | Social Media Marketer | Writer

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